
1548 – Bilmyerstrand

– Will of Sir James Laybourne 1548


LXIII. SIR JAMES LAYBOURNE OF CUNNYSWYCHE. Sir James Laybourne* of Cunnyswyche, in the parish of Kendall, 4 Jul. 1548 — W™ Lord Marques of Northampton, by the name of William Earle of Essex, by indenture 4 Feb. 1 Edw. vj. demised and to farme let to me the manors of Ashton, Corneforthe, and Scotforthe, co. Lane, to the term of xliiij. yeares — I bequeath the same to my wiffe. Dame Helene Laborne, from the day of my decease for 18 yeres next ensuing — James Laborne my younger son to enjoy the same for the rest of my terme — my lands in Skelmser — To my three daughters, Anne, Elizabeth, and Margaret, the sum me of sext hundreth merks, equally to be divided emongst them, to stand and be in fiill and hole contentacion for their child’s porcions — To William Redman, Thomas Redman, and Ry chard Callynson, my trustie and lovinge sarvants, annuyties — To Thomas Laybourne my uncles son y^ tenement of Bulmyer strand for his naturall lyfe — Item I will that fyve men beinge in povertie shall have every Sundaye there dynners, or els every Sunday every one of them a peny a pece, to pray for me, my father, and mother, for their naturall lyfes — To my trustie sarvant Charles Laybourne — My wife shall give unto my naturall brother Nicholas Labourne meate, drinke, yf that he do use himself honestlie unto hir, or els fouer marks of currant money of England yearlie, duringe his naturall lyffe, towards his fyndinge and lyvinge — To Sir Robert Bourrowe priest, and Robert Batman, my sarvants, joyntely to gyther the tythe meale sylver of Trantwaite in Underbarrye ■ — I will that Francis Tunstall my sonne in lawe shall have xl. merks of currant money of England, which I do owe unto him of mariage good — To Christofer Walker scholer.


* Sir James Layborne, of Cunswick, knight, was the head of one of the most ancient and considerable families in Westmoreland. His will is full of new and inturesting genealogical information. The testator was twice married, 1. To Ellen, daughter of Sir Thomas Curwen, knight ; 2. To Ellen, daughter of Sir Thomas Preston, knight, by both of whom he left issue. His daughter Elizal’eth married, 1. Thomas Lord Dacre. and 2. Thomas Duke of Norfolk. His daughter Anne married Sir William Stanley Lord Mour.teagle.